Improve Your Singing With Techniques
      From the Golden Age of Great Operatic Singing

carl portrait
Welcome! Please let me introduce myself. I am Carl Franzen, voice teacher, Dramatic Tenor. I teach voice in my studio in downtown San Jose. I teach the great traditional singing techniques of Caruso, Corelli, Del Monaco, Tebaldi, and Freni. These skills will serve you whether you aspire to sing Grand Opera or classic Musical Theater. My expertise is in these genres. Therefore, If you are looking for Pop instruction I'm not the teacher for you.

I am passionate about teaching and about helping my students grow as artists and performers. If you have always wanted to sing but you haven't found your inner voice, I can help. If you have the desire and talent, are highly motivated and passionate about vocal music, I will help you achieve your personal best!

carl teaching in the studioMy students benefit  from focused attention in private singing lessons, with accompaniment. I offer caring support and clear direction, a strong vocal technique, and skills that will increase confidence. Of course, we will have fun too!


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"Carl is so impressive. I have been very lucky directing his students ( who he treats and supports like friends) in musical theatre. Not only are they so talented. But Carl works with them to enhance their performance. And attends numerou...s shows. He is always there for them Truly I've never seen a teacher as involved and caring. Carl gets my vote!!! Carl, you are wonderful. " 

-Lesley Bookatz Hoelper, Director

"...I want to write a poem for you - to show you how much I cherish every hour I spend at your studio, to show you how I appreciate your devotion to help people discover their voice." 
Eric's poem

-Eric Claravall , Student

"...I went from having a small misused weak voice, to a very strong dramatic ringing tenor voice with a C2-D4 range, with a nickname of 'Godzilla.' I feel like I’m one of the luckiest students in the world."  more

-Orlando McCorkle, Student

"He has a commitment to the success of his students as if he were the proud parent of each and every one of us. His love for art, music, and people, show up whenever you are around him. With every lesson with Carl I have a vocal breakthrough. I leave his studio feeling 10 feet taller..."  more

-Corinne Fimbrez, Student

"I knew that my true dream and passion was to be a performer, but I never thought that was possible. But then I met Carl, and after 15 minutes of class I knew he was going to make a huge change in my life..."  more

-Valerie 'Violeta' Soto, Student

"I know studying under Carl was 'divine intervention'. I did not know the life changing experience I was in for. Carl helped make 'this little girl's dreams come true'. I feel that I have experienced a metamorphosis - from a moth to a butterfly...."  more

-Lynn Salazar, Student

"The personal results have been astounding. ...the transformation over this last year has been thrilling..." more

- Jeff Fancher, Student

"I miss seeing you Carl... I could use my Carl Fix! Love you, and I appreciate you so much as well..."  more

-Cheryl Ringman, Student

"In short, I have been impacted and my life changed upon studying with Carl. I am grateful and blessed. ..." more

-Best, Denise Young, Student

"...You’re an amazing teacher who seems to know exactly what to say, demonstrate, what visuals to give, etc..." more

- Esther Rosendfeld, Student

"... I could not have done this without you. Your training, your encouragement, your advice and your support..." more

-Catherine Vincenti, Student

"... how gratifying the last eight months or so have been for me. Not only for the marvelous help you've given in my attempts to resurrect my "musical" youth..."  more

-Ted Fancher, Student

"I count Carl as among the greatest teachers in the world. I know of no other teacher who can inspire devotion in his students the way Carl does. ..." more

Shelly Welch, Student

" He knows all our strengths and our weaknesses, and caters all of our lessons to that..." more

Lauren Cao, Student

" The bottom line, I think, is that each and every one of Carl's students is blessed with such moments--when we accomplish things we never really thought we were capable of..."  more

Ted Fancher, Student

" You know I love you, big buddy. I'm honored to have been instrumental in encouraging you to begin teaching again. Thank you for being my mentor of music!"  more

Joe Kinyon, Student


My Teaching Methods and Philosophy

Great voices are not just born: they must also be nurtured with equally great technique!

I give more than just a lesson.

I offer a full spectrum of all aspects of vocal training.

My teaching focuses on the student and his/her progress, needs, and growth.

We will develop a tailor-made répértoire appropriate for your unique instrument and interests.

I seek serious, motivated, adult students (over 18) who are passionate about singing.

I emphasize strong vocal technique useful in Opera, Jazz/Cabaret and Musical Theater. I do not work with Pop singers.

I teach a modified Melocchi method of low larynx singing for clarity and brilliant ringing tones.

I build stability in the voice from the bottom up. Stability comes from the low register. A strong low produces balance between dark and bright ringing tone and prevents wobble and strain. I teach an even scale from bottom to top, without separation of registers.

I teach safe and healthful vocal techniques to correct pitch, expand vocal range, and increase resonance.

I have an extensive library of recordings and sheet music available for student enrichment

We will also work on personal presentation skills for performance and audition, including posture, dress, stage etiquette and attitude.

Performance opportunities are available for all students in our monthly concerts, giving an opportunity to perform for a caring and supportive audience of family, friends, other students and appreciative guests.

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